
Data on mineral
exploration activities

The exploration activities database compiles independently accessible public information and provides an overview of mineral exploration activities in Quebec. The primary, but not exclusive, source of this data is the promotional information published by companies to advertise their properties. This information is updated regularly.

The objective of the exploration activities database is to provide the most accurate picture possible of ongoing activities, based primarily on the promotional material published by exploration companies.

Legal Notice

In Quebec, real and immovable mining rights are managed by the Ministère. These rights are granted by various types of mining titles. The Register of Real and Immovable Mining Rights is publicly accessible via the GESTIM.

If the information associated with a property identified in the exploration activities database contradicts in whole or in part that of a right registered in the Public Register of Real and Immovable Mining Rights, then the Register must be considered as accurate.

Data has not been verified by the Ministry, it can only be used for information purposes.

Publicly Available Information

Information is considered public if material details about the property are available on one or more websites. These details must come from a controlling company or an organization that can be reasonably associated with a controlling company, such as a minority partner in an exploration project.

Furthermore, public information must communicate details that are sufficiently clear to associate this data with a property.

Some common examples of websites include :

Some examples of information sources are :

Examples of information sources that cannot be used to update information are :

Definition of property

🗹 A property, also referred to as a project, is a group of active claims forming one or more blocks owned by a promoter for the purpose of evaluating their mineral potential.

🗹 A promoter may be different from the legal holder, but in this case has a legal and material right to carry out exploration activities, for example through an option agreement on the property.

🗹 A claim can only be assigned to a single property.

🗹 A property consists of at least one active claim.

🗹 A property may consist of several blocks of non-contiguous claims.

Sometimes, descriptions of a property from different information sources may contradict each other. In these circumstances, inferences may be necessary to maintain clarity. For example :

Errors or requests for adjustment, correction, or rectification

An error or omission in the exploration activities database can be rectified by reporting the error to the Mines Service Centre, indicating the relevant public information sources.
The information required to make a rectification, an addition or a correction is :

These details can be sent to the Mines Service Centre at the following coordinates :

Data information

Field Informations
Property name

A property is identified by a name.

It is possible for a property to change its name. In this case, the historical name is retained in the database.

A property may group together one or more showings or sub-projects with distinct names. These other names are registered in the database.

Development stage

The development stage of a property reflects the mine development process and provides some additional information on the progress of exploration or mining. The information sources presenting these stages are as follows :

These stages are :

Stage name Description Minimum threshold to reach stage
Unknown No information published or available. No information published or available.
Grassroots exploration – Geoscientific survey Work aimed at the discovery of a mineralized zone, but has not yet identified any substances of economic interest in situ: geochemical survey, geophysics, prospecting, mapping. No minimal requirement.
Grassroots exploration – Showing, no work Work aimed at the development of a property and identification of a mineralized zone for a main commodity from selected samples, new channel sample or drill results. Published at least one in situ result (historical, prospecting or other) for a commodity that defines a mineralized zone.
Intermediate exploration – Worked deposit Work aimed to demonstrate the continuity, extent and orientation of the mineralized body, through sampling and detailed mapping, including stripping or drilling. More advanced studies may also take place. Published new channel sample or drill results, or drill results with greater than anomalous results of the main commodity.
Advanced exploration – Deposit with estimated tonnage Work aimed at the development of the deposit until the publication of a preliminary economic study. This may include, but is not limited to, sinking an exploration ramp to drill underground or extract a bulk sample. Published technical resource estimate.
Deposit appraisal Appraisal of the deposit and definition of mining project parameters. Published technical study, commonly a preliminary economic analysis.
Mine development Mine construction, commissioning and testing of mine facilities. Beginning of mine site construction.
Active mine Ore extraction and processing and marketing of the product extracted. Mining activities ongoing after at least 1 trimester with at least 60% nameplate capacity.
Care and maintenance Mine site temporarily closed where all infrastructure is maintained in monitoring and maintenance mode for a possible restart. Temporary suspension of mining activities.
Rehabilitation and restoration Closure, securing and restoration of the site. Post-restoration monitoring. Definitive end of operations.

Exploration properties have promoters who are responsible for publishing information. These promoters may be, but are not necessarily, the claim holders.

Primary substances

Exploration properties may be subject to work aimed at the discovery of one or more primary substances. A primary substance is often the one most consistently identified in promotional documentation.

Secondary substances

Exploration properties may also contain one or more secondary substances associated with the primary mineralization.

Exploration activities

Exploration activities are those carried out on the property :

Significant results

Significant results are results that are promoted by a company. Typically, but not exclusively, they are the most interesting results published by the promoter in a press release. They represent particular data concerning a property.