The Structural Lexicon of Quebec is a collection of structural characteristics of Quebec’s territory at a regional scale. These are based on the analysis and interpretation of structural data collected during geological surveys conducted by the Government of Quebec. Structural features are presented in records (structural records) in web format describing the main structural elements of a territory. Structural records provide opportunities for interacting with Quebec Geomining Information System (SIGÉOM)’s databases, interactive map, Geological Bulletin and Stratigraphic Lexicon of Quebec.
Structural records of the lexicon include a description of the following elements:
Structural Domains (polygons)
Thickness: ≥200 m
- Structural domain
- Shear zone
- Deformation corridor
- Fault zone
Regional Faults (lines)
Thickness: <200 m
- Fault (fragile)
- Shear zone (ductile)
Access to structural records
Structural records are accessible either by search engines (e.g. Google, Bing or Yahoo), the Geological Bulletin, SIGÉOM à la carte or the SIGÉOM interactive map.
By Search Engines
Search engines allow for full text search using the name of a structural domain, regional fault, shear zone or keywords.
By the Geological Bulletin
Structural domains, as well as significant faults and shear zones identified in the Structural Geology chapter of each Geological Bulletin, have an active hyperlink to structural records.
By the Interactive Map
By clicking on a polygon of the Structural Domains layer or a row of the Regional Faults layer, an information window appears. If an active hyperlink is present, click on it to display the structural record.
By SIGÉOM à la carte
Go to the Structural Domains section to search for a structural domain or the Regional Faults section to search for a fault zone. The domain or fault name can be searched by selecting “includes” and entering the name in the appropriate box.