Surveys Conducted in Isolated Areas Without Road Access

The area was mapped using the method established for remote areas without road access. Geological mapping is conducted by working teams consisting of a geologist or a geologist in training and a student. Access to most of the territory is by helicopter. The geologist and assistant geologist are deposited at their point of departure from which they make 5 to 14 km-long line transects. Spacing between lines and their length, as well as spacing between described outcrops depend on the mapping scale, ice cover, vegetation density, topography, surface area, surface quality, and geological complexity. The shores and islands of large bodies of water and rivers are routinely mapped by boat. Areas difficult to access or with low outcrop density may also be covered by helicopter, spot stops or the “leapfrog” technique.

Outcrops are described using electronic tablets to capture field data in the “Geofiches” module (see MB 98-05 and DV 2013-07 documents). Data is then integrated into the SIGÉOM database. To better characterize geological units, representative samples are analyzed using the following techniques:

The stratigraphic nomenclature of the mapped area meets standards of the North American Stratigraphic Code (DV 86-02, MNR, 1986; North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 2005; Easton, 2009) and the already-established nomenclature. Units are defined in terms of rock composition, age, cross-cutting relationships, structures and textures, and regional distribution.

Geochemical analysis results of rock samples of economic interest

The table of lithogeochemical analyses of samples of economic interest presents the analytical results of mineralized rock samples collected during the Ministère‘s yearly geological mapping campaigns across Quebec for elements of economic interest. Mineralized sites with values exceeding “showing” thresholds are subject to a “Mineralization record” in the metallic deposit module of the Quebec Geomining Information System (SIGÉOM). “Anomalous” and “significant” thresholds highlight samples below showing threshold, but sufficiently high to be of interest for mineral exploration.

The sequential number in the first column links to the corresponding analysis in the SIGÉOM database. A hyperlink is also provided to the interactive map to locate the analytical result in question.

The “complete” display, under “Display Format” in the left-hand panel, lists all the analyses and elements available in the area of interest.

23 octobre 2018