Bétulaie Complex
Stratigraphic label: [narc]btu
Map symbol: nAbtu

First published: 15 September 2017
Last modified:


Translation of original French





Informal subdivision(s)
Numbering does not necessarily reflect the stratigraphic position.
Author: Leclerc and Caron-Côté, 2017
Age: Precambrian / Archean / Neoarchean
Reference section:  
Type area: The Bétulaie Complex outcrops mainly north of the Amisquioumisca and Bétulaie lakes (NTS sheets 32K08 and 32K09).
Geological province: Superior Province
Geological subdivision: Opatica Subprovince
Lithology: Metamorphic rocks
Unit type: Lithodemic
Rank: Complex
Status: Formal
Use: Active






Recent exploration work (Gagnon, 2015) and geological mapping (Leclerc and Caron-Côté, 2017) have shown that the peripheral part of the Nipukatasi Massif corresponds to massive rocks (monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite and granite), while the central part consists of migmatitic gneiss. These were attributed to the Bétulaie Complex because of their composition and their different genesis.





Recent exploration work (Gagnon, 2015) and geological mapping (Leclerc and Caron-Côté, 2017) have shown that the peripheral part of the Nipukatasi Massif corresponds to massive rocks (monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite and granite), while the central part consists of migmatitic gneiss. These were attributed to the Bétulaie Complex because of their composition and their different genesis.

Thickness and distribution

The Bétulaie Complex has an irregular and elongated shape along an ENE-WSW axis. The unit covers an area of 139 km2



Stratigraphic Relationship(s)

Migmatitic gneisses of the Bétulaie complex are intruded by massive intermediate and felsic rocks of the Nipukatasi Massif and Amisquioumisca Suite. Xenoliths of amphibolite and biotite paragneiss are possibly derived from the Rocher Complex. The unit is also cut by a diabase dyke assigned to the Esprit Lake Dyke Swarm.


Does not apply.


Author(s) Title Year of Publication Hyperlink (EXAMINE or Other)
GAGNON, J.-F. Rapport d’exploration été 2015, Propriété Chablis (1388). Ministère des Ressources naturelles, Québec, 225 pages. 2015 GM 69368
LECLERC, F. – CARON-CÔTÉ, E. Levé géologique dans la Sous-province d’Opatica au nord-est de Matagami (Région du lac Amisquioumisca). Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, Québec. 2017 Bulletin géologiQUE







27 février 2018