Dugré Plutonic Suite
Stratigraphic label: [ppro]due
Map symbol: pPdue

First published: 26 January 2018
Last modified:


















Translation of original French



Informal subdivision(s)
Numbering does not necessarily reflect the stratigraphic position.
pPdue3 Charnockite, granite, mangerite, pinkish granitic pegmatite dykes and/or pockets
pPdue2 Opdalite, garnet-magnetite enderbite, minor amounts of mangerite, monzonite, granite and charnockite
pPdue1 Monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, jotunite, minor amounts of monzonite, quartz monzonite and granite
Author: Moukhsil et al., 2015
Age: Paleoproterozoic
Reference section: Dugré Plutonic Suite dating site (14-TC-5108)
Type area: NTS sheet 32B02
Geological province: Grenville
Geological subdivision: Allochton
Lithology: Monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, diorite, jotunite, mangerite, granite, opdalite, enderbite, charnokite, pegmatite
Type: Lithodemic
Rank: Suite
Status: Formal
Use: Active




The Dugré Plutonic Suite was identified by Moukhsil et al. (2015) during mapping of the Parent region, Haut-Saint-Maurice.




Dugré Plutonic Suite 1 (pPdue1): Monzodiorite, Quartz Monzodiorite, Jotunite, Minor Amounts of Monzonite, Quartz Monzonite and Granite

Unit pPdue1, the least abundant of units, consists of monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, hypersthene monzodiorite (jotunite), and minor amounts of quartz monzonite and granite. Orthopyroxene is usually magmatic (also metamorphic), hence the Jotunite name. This unit contains boudins (tectonic enclaves) of the other two units (pPdue2 and pPdue3) and migmatitic paragneiss from the Wabash Complex. Monzodiorite and quartz monzodiorite are coarse grained, granoblastic and composed of plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, magnetite, trace K-feldspar and some sulphides. Under the microscope, plagioclase, quartz, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, biotite, magnetite, garnet, trace K-feldspar, opaque minerals (pyrite and pyrrhotite) and some normative apatite are observed. Monzonite and granite are medium grained, leucocratic, magnetic and contain small amounts of biotite and amphibole. 


Dugré Plutonic Suite 2 (pPdue2): Opdalite, Garnet-Magnetite Enderbite, Minor Amounts of Mangerite, Monzonite, Granite and Charnockite

Unit pPdu2 covers a significant area. It consists mainly of opdalite (orthopyroxene granodiorite), enderbite (orthopyroxene tonalite), and minor amounts of granite and mangerite. Granite is pinkish, medium grained, and intrudes as beds into the orthopyroxene-rich rocks (opdalite, enderbite, mangerite). Mangerite is greenish, medium grained and shows feldspar recrystallization. Opdalite and enderbite, usually green in fresh exposure, are affected by partial melting and show granitic to monzonitic mobilisate lenses. Granoblastic opdalite is composed of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, orthopyroxene, green hornblende, magnetite and biotite. Accessory minerals are apatite, zircon and opaque minerals (pyrite). Enderbite is coarse grained, granoblastic and locally gneissic. It has the same mineral composition as opdalite, but is poorer in K-feldspar. Under the microscope, hornblende partially to completely replaces orthopyroxene, and myrmekite contains vermiculate quartz and plagioclase. Minor amounts of mangerite, monzonite, granite and charnockite from unit pPdu3 are present here and there in this unit.


Dugré Plutonic Suite 3 (pPdue3): Charnockite, Granite, Mangerite, Pinkish Granitic Pegmatite Dykes and/or Pockets

This unit consists of biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene charnockite, granite and mangerite. The rocks from unit pPdue2 and pinkish granitic pegmatite dykes and/or pockets were mapped in this unit.

Thickness and Distribution

The Dugré Plutonic Suite occupies a large part of the territory mapped in the Parent and Clova regions. Aeromagnetic maps allow to delimit it and establish its NE-SW orientation.



Isotopic System Mineral Crystallization Age (Ma) (+) (-) Metamorphic Age (Ma) (+) (-) Reférence(s)
U-Pb Zircon 1626 21 21 1096 4 4 Moukhsil et al. 2015
U-Pb Zircon 1677 18 18 981 Moukhsil et al., 2015
U-Pb Zircon 1088 Moukhsil et al., 2015
U-Pb Zircon 1123 Moukhsil et al., 2015


Stratigraphic Relationship(s)

The Dugré Plutonic Suite is the bedrock of the Parent region. It is intruded by the Hibbard Plutonic Suite, the Roc Suite and the Bourguet Syenite. It also contains kilometric klippes of the Wabash Complex.


Does not apply.


Author(s) Title Year of Publication Hyperlink (EXAMINE or Other)
MOUKHSIL, F. – SOLGADI, F. – BELKACIM, S. – AUGLAND, L.E. – DAVID, J. Géologie de la région de Parent, Haut-Saint-Maurice (Partie ouest du Grenville). Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, Québec, 62 pages, 1 map. 2015 RG 2015-04




13 février 2019